Thursday, 6 January 2011

Something awful..

   Hello again ,  

  I'm 27 years old or 20 .. one or the other.. would it make a difference ? I have always been worried about my age and growing old ever since I was 15 years old !! I think this is because of me living in a very superficial community who thinks , loves and cares for young girls! the only girls who can get attention in my country are the slim , white skinned , and young girls and when I say YOUNG , I mean -24 because if you are 25 years old , then you are allowed to marry a foreigner !! although the public law prevents women from getting married to foreigners but that is Ok if you are 25 years old ! Imagine that !!! 

 I can assure you that I am not nagging here because I am unmarried. I think I was blessed that I did not get married at a very young age,

 I am not depressed either, I am happy to be single if and only if I am to be living abroad !
 but if I am stuck here , then I terribly need to be VERY married coz there is no life for single girls here !  

 I should stop bubbling right here coz talking and writing won't express my deep depression of how girls are categorized in my country :

1- Shallow, empty minded , superficial - , educated to a very limited level ( BA in Geography :) ) or uneducated   -  usually married 

2- Well-educated , brainy , usually unstylish -  unmarried coz they are Geeks and nobody wants a GEEK! 

3- well-educated , Cute , ugly or pretty , wealthy , living their life to the extreme - Sometimes unmarried +30 coz people think they are BAD but the girls do not give a damn coz they fly to Greece every summer for a girls getaway, who needs a control freak over there ?????
or married -20 coz people think they can make a fortune out of this marriage , so even if they are BAD GIRLS , who cares if there is GOLD? ONLY the envious !!
4- Normal -looking , well-educated , middle-class , +25 - usually unmarried and unhappy 
coz they have no Money ,  No beauty , their families are fed up with them and who wants to marry a middle-classed , Normal-looking and Old Girl ? Only the poor guys , so they can get some shares out of their wives monthly incomes ! 
5- Pretty, limited education , YOUNG , misguided by others and super happy thinking that they are cool and married :)
6- people who are half half are in between , some wants them for their beauty ( Blonde , white skinned , and colored eyes ) and some does not want them for being the daughter of the foreigner for they MAY carry some of their ancestors traits ! 
so which category would fit me in ? DONT EVEN TRY TO 
I would be so honored if you save me from this humiliation !!
Spasiba !

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