Well, Well, Well, I finally have decided to build my own blog , I truly believe that the whole idea is worthy since the movie " Julie and Julia " , I said to myself " time for a blog " but I was not ready to keep it up , so I kept postponing it till last nite when I came to an agreement with myself and said it out aloud
: this June I am going for a blog "
I hope I can be of interest to people around the world coz I am a well-spoken girl with no chance to write in a newspaper or a well-known magazine , therefore , this blog will do me a good deal!
I am super excited that I have finally made it!
what shall I write on my first day? it seems like the first day of school..Oh school! what a great place to be in.. , don't u think so?
Stay around and you won't regret it
I will be back tomorrow.
Spasiba !